Understanding Dental Insurance Plans In Georgia

Dental Insurance Plans in Georgia: An Informative Guide

Dental insurance plays a pivotal role in helping people manage their oral health without heavy financial burdens. This becomes increasingly important when you consider the cost of dental care, even for routine check-ups and cleanings. This article delves into the intricacies and benefits of dental insurance plans available in Georgia, providing a comprehensive guide for residents looking for the best coverage to suit their needs.

Just as a medical insurance policy cushions you from the financial implications of unexpected health issues, dental insurance aims to cover a significant part or full expense of your oral care. From basic procedures like cleanings to intricate procedures like root canals or celebrity teeth veneers Manhattan, a good dental insurance plan can provide comprehensive coverage, ensuring you maintain an excellent oral health condition without worrying about exhausting your savings.

Different Types of Dental Insurance Plans in Georgia

Several types of dental insurance plans are available in Georgia: Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), Dental Health Maintenance Organizations (DHMOs), and Direct Reimbursement Plans. Each of these plans has its own unique features and benefits. Your ultimate choice depends on your individual dental care needs, the flexibility you desire in choosing a dentist, and your financial capacity.

PPO Plans

PPO plans are the most popular type of dental insurance in Georgia. They offer a network of dentists who have agreed to offer their services at a reduced rate. You can still use a dentist outside of this network, but you may pay more for the services. PPO plans often have a deductible and a maximum annual limit. But they offer flexibility in terms of provider choice and the extent of coverage.

DHMO Plans

DHMO plans typically have lower premiums and no deductible. They cover a significant portion or all the costs of preventive care procedures. However, they have a smaller network and require policyholders to select a primary dentist. It’s worth considering a DHMO plan if you need extensive oral care and you’re comfortable with a small dentist network.

Direct Reimbursement Plans

Direct Reimbursement Plans are less common, but they offer significant flexibility. They allow you to choose any dentist without the constraints of a network. Your plan reimburses a portion of the total dental expenses regardless of the procedure involved. You’ll pay the dentist, submit a claim, and get reimbursed according to your plan’s stipulated rates.

Choosing the Right Dental Insurance Plan in Georgia

Choosing the right dental insurance plan requires some thoughtful consideration. It’s crucial to assess the coverage extent, out-of-pocket costs, flexibility in choosing a dentist, and scope for specialized dental procedures such as celebrity teeth veneers Manhattan.

Consider using an insurance broker who has in-depth knowledge of dental insurance plans in Georgia. They can advise you based on your individual oral health needs and financial capabilities. It’s also important to scrutinize the policy documents and understand the coverage benefits, exclusions, limitations, and any waiting periods involved.

In conclusion, dental insurance is an investment in maintaining good oral health and preventing costly future dental procedures. It’s always important to invest time and thought into finding the right coverage for you and your family. With the detailed guide provided above, you are now one step closer to finding the perfect dental insurance plan in Georgia.

Branding Is It And Inception?

Submitted by: Joangarcia Garcia

What s the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?

An idea. Resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea s taken hold in the brain it s almost impossible to eradicate. A person can cover it up, ignore it but it stays there. Information is forgotten. But an idea fully formed, understood? That sticks in there, somewhere.

This opening statement of the movie Inception reminds me the first lessons my advertising guru taught me. We are always trying to play with these so called ideas in branding or communication. Inception is all about that game. Good brands are created out of these inceptions of ideas in the minds of their customers.

We always say that emotional connect make the customers act and rationalisation help them to justify their actions. So emotions work better in most of the communications, when we try to connect to the customer and create a positive inclination towards the brand. This is the exact strategy what they have used in inception and it is evident in the statement of Cobbs.


The subconscious gets motivated through emotion, not reason, so we have to translate the idea into an emotional concept and plant it. We could split the idea into emotional triggers, and use one on each level .

They did the inception successfully by piggy backing the emotions of Fisher: “My father accepts that I want to create for myself, not follow in his footsteps.” These positive emotions act powerfully in favour of the dream architects. Not just that, the dream architect always insisted on placing the idea deep in the subconscious levels of the mind for a better inception. We always try to achieve these in our communication strategies.

The reason for the failure of the inception by Eames was like most of the communication strategy failures we see around us. The insight / idea were not planted deep enough and the inception addressed superficial issues. To be effective a communication or inception should always be based on the simplest and the basic insight of the consumer. Eames was not in favour of direct inception of the idea to break up the monopoly of Fishers Empire because of his previous experience. He says there you ve got various political motivations, anti-monopolistic sentiment and so forth. But all that stuff s at the mercy of the subject s prejudice you have to go to the basics, the relationship with his father . Fisher s inception was done below three layers of dreams for a better reception. These are the most difficult task we face during the preparation of communication strategies.

The subtlety of the changes what we are trying to make in the subject s psychological layer is also very important. Possibility of resistance by the projections or perceptions is very high as the changes become aggressive. Ariadne was attacked by the projections of the Cobbs in the dream training because of this reason. This principle is very much applicable in real world communication scenarios, where we have to handle the projections and perceptions of the TG.

Inception speaks about the responsibility of communication and branding professionals towards society also. Haven t we come across similar statements like the following about branding and marketing?

This isn’t the usual corporate espionage, Mr. Saito. This is inception. The seed of the idea we plant will grow in this man’s mind. It’ll change him. It might even come to define him

We can see an extreme case of dream addicts also in the pharmacy of Yusuf. The old man says They dream to be woken up… the dream has become their reality…and who are we to say otherwise? This is a classical state where brands give the reason to the existence / identity to the consumers. Consumers are in the dreams experience the lives of celebrities and kings when they use brands, ultimately that becomes the hope for their existence.

In short we can see inception of communication and branding principles everywhere in Inception. It s a good guide for strategy inspirations if you can dream and analyse within dreams and inceptions.

About the Author: Visit Our Website




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Help And Tips With New Dentures}

Submitted by: Barrie Semp

When you begin eating with your new dentures it is important to start very slowly. Eating at first may present difficulties; in fact it is the most difficult part of mastering new dentures. Dont be discouraged if you experience a few failures at first, natural teeth are fixed in bone whilst your artificial dentures only rest on the bone. When you chew on one side of your mouth you may find notice a tendency for your dentures to tip and loosen on the opposite side. Attempt to chew food evenly on both sides of your teeth. This will prevent your dentures form tipping while you are eating.

Provided that you are patient and spend the necessary time practicing eating with your new dentures you will learn to control the automatically using the muscles of mastication in your mouth. With some new dentures it may be necessary to increase the height of the upper and lower teeth so as to have them contact sooner. This may have to be done through the use of an appliance known as an occlusal splint or bite splint. With a change such as this you may have to develop new eating habits simply because you will chew your food at a different position than that of your old dentures.

Here are a few eating tips when wearing new dentures;

Eat food that does not need hard chewing


Take smaller mouthfuls and chew slowly and evenly

At first dont bite off food with your front teeth you will learn how to do this later

Cut food into smaller pieces that can easily fit in your mouth.

As you become more skilled at eating while wearing your new dentures you will be able to try harder and tougher foods and eventually you will be able to use your front teeth for biting. Remember with your natural teeth you bite and pulled but with your dentures you bite and push. Sometimes you may have difficulty eating very thin foods such as lettuce or the skins of apples and tomatoes. Its often easier to eat apples if you first peel them or slice them into quarters.

Be sure to regularly clean your dentures after eating. If plaque from eating with your new dentures is not removed on a daily basis it may affect the way your dentures fit, your dentures may not look correct, you may experience profound denture odours and even your health may be at risk. Therefore, it is important that you clean your dentures every day.

If a problem arises, seek further advice and treatment from your denturist, dentist or orthodontist. Here at The Smile Centre UK we provide support for our patients struggling with the use of new dentures. Often patients have come to us in the past as their current dentures have been poorly fitted by a previous dentures and causing them pain as well as discomfort during eating. When applying for new dentures, it is advisable you seek the best quality service offering handcrafted dentures.

For more information about caring for fixed dentures, speak to your dentist. Alternatively, if you are interested in learning more about full or partial fixed dentures or dental implants, visit the website of Manchester’s The Smile Centre UK at http://www.thesmilecentreuk.co.uk or call us directly on 0844 3098 994.

About the Author: If you are interested in learning more about full or partial fixed



dental implants

, visit the website of Manchester’s The Smile Centre UK at http://www.thesmilecentreuk.co.uk or call us directly on 0844 3098 994.



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The Beauty Of Orthodontics Cosmetic Dentistry}

The Beauty of Orthodontics — Cosmetic Dentistry




It is a very common misconception to think that orthodontic treatments are only meant for teens or pre-teens who have problems with their bite which is also referred to as malocclusion, today we know better which is why orthodontic procedures are also being recommended to adults who have problems related to the way their teeth are aligned.

Orthodontics — functions and aesthetics:According to recent statistics over 35% all orthodontic patients in the US are said to be adults, this is information which is very congruent with the trend described above, while this is a good move from people who are concerned about the way they looked about the way they are handling their oral health it is first and foremost recommended to get that orthodontic evaluation during our early years, the best age to receive this treatment is around seven years of age.Orthodontics is considered a restorative procedure because malocclusion can interfere with the way a person speaks and can also cause eating problems furthermore, malocclusion is also said to be the cause of missaligned facial jaw lines which can turn out to be a cosmetic issue later on in a persons life.Regardless of age orthodontics can surely protect a persons bite, it can also optimize the functions and effectiveness of our teeth and create a beautiful smile all at the same time. Orthodontics provides better support for the crown of the tooth by repositioning or rearranging the way they are currently placed in our mouth, rearranging the teeth produces a sense of comfort and aesthetic appeal which gets better as time goes by and the persons teeth become perfectly aligned.While it is not immediately noticeable, the result of orthodontics can also rejuvenate a person by reshaping jaw the lips and even the neck of the person who is undergoing such treatment, maxillofacial procedures are also perfectly complement the results achieved through a good orthodontics treatment.

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The Beauty of Orthodontics — Cosmetic Dentistry}

A Dentist S Secret Weapon

A Dentist s Secret Weapon


Wilton Winrow

Teeth can be sensitive to almost anything. As fragile as they are, teeth are essential not only because they enhance one s physical appearance, but because they are also used in chewing and everyday communication. Because of a tooth s brittleness, it can be damaged by several factors such as physical trauma and exposure to bacteria. Because of cosmetic dentistry, however, any problem caused by these harmful factors can be treated.

Types of restorative materials called dental composites or dental composite resins are dentists instruments to improve one s teeth structure. These components serve both dentists and patients several advantages and benefits. In Miami, Florida, dentists use composite resins to perform dental bonding. Dental bonding is a procedure done to restore a tooth s original state. Reasons such as diseases and trauma cause teeth to fall off. However, certain dental repairs such as veneers, dentures, and bridges are applied to one s teeth to counter this dental impairment.

Composite bonding is done by applying agents made of inorganic particles such as quartz or silicon dioxide (SiO2), an abundant mineral found in the Earth s continental crust, associated with a synthetic resin. These compounds are blended and mixed with various amounts to form different shades, hues, durability, and translucencies. The mixture should match the patient s tooth color and translucence to create an unnoticeable appearance.



Miami dentist

can use this material to fill in gaps between teeth, repair cracked or chipped teeth, and cover discolored teeth. There are two types of composite bonding: direct and indirect bonding. Direct bonding refers to an operation done inside the patient s mouth. This procedure usually requires a device generating extreme light focus to cure teeth, or what is simply known as polymerization.

Indirect bonding, on the other hand, is a composite bonding procedure done by a

Miami dentist

outside the patient s mouth. Typically, prosthetic teeth are fabricated inside a sanitary laboratory fully equipped with tools needed to shape the artificial teeth. Crowns and bridges are the usual products of this method.

When the damage covers a large portion of the patient s teeth, an indirect procedure would most likely be required. On the other hand, when the damage becomes too severe for simple composite bonding, advanced surgical procedures such as

Miami dental implants

are used instead.

Learn what we re all about at www.MiamiDentist4U.com.

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Fight Inflammation Disease Like Lupus With Natural Vitamins And Herbs

By Darrell Miller

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that often affects many of the bodys organs. An autoimmune disease, it occurs when the immune mechanism forms antibodies that attack the bodys own tissues. The majority of experts believe that lupus is caused by a virus that has yet to be identified. According to this theory, the immune system develops antibodies in response to the virus that proceed in attacking the bodys own organs and tissues. This causes inflammation of the skin, blood vessels, joints, and other tissues to result. Other possible contributing factors to the development of lupus include heredity and estrogen and testosterone hormones.

This disease was named lupus, which means wolf, due to the butterfly-shaped rash that many people get over their cheeks and nose, which gave them what many people considered to be a wolf-like appearance. However, the rashes may appear elsewhere on the body, including the chest, ears, hands, shoulders, and upper arms. At least 90 percent of those people who contract lupus are women, with women of Asian background appearing to be at greater risk for developing lupus than other women. Although lupus may occur at any age, it usually develops between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five.

There are two different types of lupus: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). SLE is a systemic disease that affects many different parts of the body and severity ranging from mild to life-threatening. The first symptoms in many cases of SLE seem to resemble those of arthritis, with swelling and pain in the fingers and other joints. The disease can also appear suddenly, with acute fever and the characteristic red rash appearing across the cheeks. Additionally, there may be red, scaling lesions elsewhere on the body, with sores possibly forming in the mouth.


Other symptoms of SLE include abdominal and chest pains, blood in the urine, fatigue, hair loss, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, nausea, poor circulation in the fingers and toes, shortness of breath, ulcers, vomiting, and weight loss. Many times, the lungs and kidneys are also involved, as about 50 percent of those with SLE develop nephritis, which is inflammation of the kidneys. The brain, lungs, spleen, and heart may also be affected in serious cases. Additionally, SLE can cause excessive bleeding and an increased susceptibility to infection. Amnesia, deep depression, headaches, mania, paralysis, paranoia, psychosis, seizures, and stroke may also be present if the central nervous system is involved.

DLE is a less serious disease, which primarily affects the skin. The butterfly rash forms over the nose and cheeks, with other possible lesions elsewhere, primarily on the scalp and ears. These lesions, which are small, yellowish lumps, can recur or persist for years. When they disappear, they often leave scars or permanent bald patches on the scalp. Although DLE is not necessarily dangerous to overall health, it is a chronic and disfiguring skin disease.

Both types of lupus follow a pattern of periodic flare-ups, with alternating periods of remission. These flare-ups can be caused by the suns ultraviolet rays, fatigue, pregnancy, childbirth, infection, some drugs, stress, unidentified viral infections, and chemicals.

In order for a diagnosis to be made, the following eight symptoms have to occur either separately or at the same time: abnormal cells in the urine; arthritis; butterfly rash on the cheeks; low white blood cell count, low platelet count, or hemolytic anemia; mouth sores; seizures of psychosis; sun sensitivity; and the presence of blood of a specific antibody that is found in 50 percent of people with lupus.

The following nutrients are considered to be extremely important in dealing with lupus: calcium, magnesium, l-cysteine, proteolytic enzymes (Serrapeptase and nattokinase), essential fatty acids, glucosamine sulfate, garlic, raw thymus glandular, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, zinc, acidophilus, kelp, a multivitamin and mineral complex, pycnogenol, vitamin A, vitamin E, alfalfa, goldenseal, burdock root, feverfew, pau darco, red clover, licorice root, milk thistle, and yucca.

Natural alternatives can help support the body in the fight against lupus, but one should always consult a physician before taking matters into their own hands regarding this disease. Natural supplements like the ones listed above can all be found at your local or internet health food store.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.

About the Author: More information on

natural vitamins

and herbs is available at VitaNet , LLC Health Food Store. http://vitanetonline.com/



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Cycling Your Way To Fitness Stationary Exercise Bikes Still A Top Choice For Overall Fitness

By C.J. Gustafson

In all the craze over new fangled fitness equipment, exercise bikes often get overlooked. Stationary exercise bikes have been around for many years, which can lead some people to think they are outdated or not as effective as newer types of equipment. But for many people, exercise bikes provide a fun, consistent, reasonable means of exercising, improving cardio functions, and losing weight.

Stationary exercise bikes provide all the benefits of riding a bicycle. They provide good cardio workouts, have much less impact on knees, hips and other joints than walking or running, and can be used at any time its convenient. Most stationary bikes have manual or computerized controls to allow you to adjust resistance and speed. Many also come with heart monitors and cardio workouts already programmed in. There is a huge selection of price and style, and stationary bikes tend to be the most affordable cardio exercise machine.

Plus, with a stationary bike, you dont have to worry about traffic, dogs, or bad weather. You can exercise in the convenience of your own home and even watch television or read a book while you bike. Try doing that on the bike path at the park!

Types of Stationary Exercise Bikes

Standard, upright stationary bikes come in single or dual action models. Dual action bikes have handles or levers to work the upper body and have been shown to provide more effective cardio workouts, burn more calories, and also improve overall body tone more efficiently than single action bikes. Dual action bikes work well for those with hip or leg injuries who need to exercise but also need to go easy on their legs. The dual action allows the arms to work harder to operate the machine, thus requiring less work from the legs.


A recumbent bike, sometimes called a bent, is a type of stationary bike that is more laid backliterally. It places the body in a semi or fully reclining position, taking pressure off the back area. Some people feel the position is difficult to adapt to at first, but many who choose recumbent bikes say they are very easy and comfortable to ride. They usually come with a larger seat, which often means you will stay on the machine longer or not have discomfort later.

Because of the reclining position, a recumbent bike works the abdominal muscles more and also creates more hamstring action. The lower center of gravity makes for better balance as well. Doctors feel they are better for those with back problems or with cerebral palsy and related diseases. The recumbent bikes also bring your feet more closely in line with your heart, keeping blood pressure low and providing for a safer overall workout.

Popular Models & Prices

Most stationary bikes come with ways to assess your speed and distance. Economy models have a tachometer/odometer combination and a design that utilizes a flywheel to provide resistance. These models are not programmable and provide the least effective workout, but are at under $200 can be an inexpensive way for a beginner or someone on a tight budget to get some exercise. They can be purchased at many department stores.

Standard models usually come with more features such as a programmable consul that calculates heart rate or allows you to pick a heart rate and then adjust the resistance accordingly. These bikes may use flywheels, fan blades, or magnetic resistance, depending on the quality. Magnetic resistance is usually the best method as it operates more smoothly and is quieter. These models can range from $200 up to $1500 and provide the broadest range of selection for the average person. Some popular models include Tunturi F520 (recumbent), Vision Fitness R2000, and several models from Schwinn, the popular bike manufacturer.

More expensive stationary bikes often use magnetic resistance and typically need to be plugged in to an outlet. They come with all the bells and whistles, including extended warranties, more varied programming features, and comfort options such as built in fans. They typically cost over $1500. Lifecycle 5500HR and 5500RHR (recumbent) are popular choices among those who are serious about their workout or have a healthy budget.

Other popular manufacturers of exercise bikes include Nordic Track, Reebok, Weslo, Keys, Fitness Quest, and Edge.

Compared To Other Equipment

All types of stationary bikes provide a low impact workout that many feel is an advantage over treadmill exercise. The force on the knees, ankles, feet and other body parts that occurs with walking or running can cause swelling or discomfort in the joints. It can irritate old injuries or sometimes even produce new problems. A stationary bike provides non-weight bearing exercise that reduces impact on these areas.

In the health and fitness industries, and among customers, there is an extensive debate over which machines burn more calories and give a better cardio workout. There is evidence on both sides of the issue, but many people agree that a stationary bike should have dual action to optimize weight loss and heart health. The pumping of the arms has a significant impact of the effectiveness of any workout, and a treadmill is less effective as well if you hold onto the hand supports rather than letting your arms swing or pumping them in rhythm to your motion.

Elliptical trainers are another exercise option that provides a low impact workout, but many feel they do not provide the same cardio benefits. Rowing machines are boring, more difficult to use, and can be hard on the back. Other equipment has disadvantages as well, making stationary bikes a good choice for overall effectiveness and satisfaction. Consumer buying shows that exercise bikes continue to rank as a top choice for exercise and fitness training.

In the ever expanding world of health and fitness equipment, there have been some true advances as well as a bunch of gimmicks. A stationary bike is an old standard that has been a proven exercise tool for years, and that continues to improve and adapt through new technology. The overall effectiveness, ease of use and variety of designs and prices makes a stationary exercise bike an excellent choice for beginners and advanced enthusiasts alike.

About the Author: C.J. Gustafson is a successful writer for


, providing consumer information on the best discount home gyms. Read our elliptical trainer reviews, exercise bike and treadmill reviews for great ideas on equipping your gym.

Copyright 2005 Best-Home-Gyms.com



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Dental Treatment For Teath Damage &Amp; Periodontal Disease

Dental Treatment for Teath Damage & Periodontal Disease


Dr Paul Cooper

Teeth Damage :

There are many things that can lead to teeth damage and decay. Poor oral hygiene and heredity can be a cause for dental damage. There are many other surprising causes of tooth decay and damage. Some of these causes are things that can be changed to ensure the health of your gums and teeth like Sippy cups used for longer term by children may damage the teeth, grinding your teeth, Tongue piercing, Diabetes type2, Cigarette smoking and chewing tobacco can cause teeth damage. One can stop the tooth damage and decay teeth by brushing teeth at least twice a day, flossing, and regular


checkups by your family dentist is the best way to have healthy gums and a healthy smile.

Periodontal Disease :


If you have been told you have periodontal disease, you’re not alone. Many people have some form of the disease. Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious diseases that result in major damage to the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. In the worst cases, teeth are lost. Whether your gum disease is stopped, slowed, or gets worse depends a great deal on how well you care for your teeth and gums every day.

Dental Health during Pregnancy :

One must take caution for dental care during pregnancy because it may create problem like tooth decay, loose teeth and gum disease if dental care is not taken properly during this time. As pregnancy increase acidity in the mouth and vomiting can accelerate the problem by exposing the teeth to more gastric acid increase the risk of tooth decay. Progesterone and estrogen can affect the ligaments and bones supporting the teeth can raise the risk of losing teeth and hormonal changes during this time inflame the superficial gum issue leading gingivitis. So to avoid this all need to take care of teeth with soft bristled toothbrush floss regularly. Use the proper mouthwash and take dental treatment of the dentists to avoid any dental problem during pregnancy.

Dental Treatment :

You re entitled to any treatment which you need to maintain your dental health.  This could include the fitting of crowns, bridges and dentures. The dentist will give you a treatment plan after your check-up if you ask for it, which will show you what you need and the cost for dental treatment or

dental surgery

. Teeth are an important part of your body. Thus dental care is must to preserve your smiley face.

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What Oral Health Concerns Can Be Prevented Through Family Dentistry In Silverdale Wa?

byAlma Abell

Taking care of your teeth and gums can help to keep your smile healthy and looking beautiful. You need to make sure you brush and floss your teeth as often as your dentist recommends, normally at least twice a day. This can go a long way towards assisting you in keeping your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. Though you may do all you can, at home, to keep your smile healthy, this is not enough to ensure you do not develop problems. You need to make sure you seek preventative care from Family dentistry Silverdale WA at least twice a year, to help to ensure good oral health.


What are the Conditions Preventative Care Can Help You Avoid?

1. Gum disease is a completely preventable oral health concern. When brushing and flossing your teeth each day, you remove the harmful plaque that can begin to invade your gum tissue. When this plaque becomes lodged under your gums, typically because of a lack of oral hygiene care, it causes redness, inflammation and irritation in the gum tissue. You will also notice your teeth bleed very easily. Even with the gentle action of brushing your teeth, you can experience bleeding. The dentist can help you to avoid this condition, by performing routine deep cleaning treatments. If you do develop gum disease, it can be found early, through the Family dentistry Silverdale WA and treated before major problems occur.

2. Cavities are also preventable through good oral hygiene habits and the care provided by your dentist. A cavity typically occurs when plaque is allowed to sit on the teeth for an extended period of time. Even if you brush and floss your teeth as often as you should, there can be areas you miss, allowing decay to set in. Through the deep cleanings provided by your dentist, you can avoid cavities. If a cavity does begin in your tooth, the dentist can often find it well before it even begins to exhibit symptoms.

If you have been putting off your dental care needs for too long, contact the dental office of Paul L. Kadzik DDS & Associates and schedule an appointment right away. Allow them to help keep your teeth and gums in their prime health.

How Many Calories Should You Consume The First Few Months After Having Lap Band Surgery?

By Adriana N

With the obesity rates skyrocketing across the country, many overweight people are choosing to have weight loss surgery. Lap Band Surgery is one weight loss procedure that is becoming a popular choice for many obese people. This procedure involves inserting a band around the top part of the stomach to form a pouch. The pouch is then filled with saline to reduce the size of the stomach, thereby reducing food intake. When one has this surgery, they have to follow a strict diet. Certain foods are restricted while others are enforced. One such area is regulating the amount of calories consumed the first few months after the surgery.

The purpose of the lap band diet is to prevent vomiting and band slippage. During the first couple of weeks following lap band surgery, one should consume only thin and clear liquids that are not high in calories. The stomach needs to adjust to the lap band. Patients should ingest less than 800 calories of food each day for the first 12 months and then up to 1200 calories a day after 36 months.

One should not drink beverages that are high in calories because these calories are absorbed without making a person feel full. The result will be low weight loss. Such high calorie drinks to avoid include: soda, milkshakes, and alcohol. You should also avoid carbonated beverages as they will cause the band to expand. As well, carbonated beverages can cause gas and bloating. Soup, broth, and skim milk are good choices. Do not over eat as this will cause vomiting and discomfort. Thin low calorie liquids are the right foods to eat during this time. It important to drink water to keep hydrated.


Protein is essential during recovery from lap band surgery. At three to four weeks of the recovery period, thicker foods should be consumed such as purees. Pureed skinless chicken and fish are recommended. As well, one can consume pureed vegetables and fruits. One should consume about fifty to sixty grams of protein daily.

Two months after surgery one should have two ounces of other liquids that are sugar free or very low in sugar. At this time, a patient will be moving to a diet that has more texture and consistency such as shredded food. Foods consumed should be salads, fruit, and meat. Drinking liquids during and after meals will help the pouch flush properly. It is important to chew your food very well and swallow tiny pieces at a time. Your stomach can only hold about 2 ounces of food at this time.

Following lap band surgery, one must follow the exact dietary instructions given by the lap band surgery team. If you do not follow the diet and the amounts of food you are suppose to consume, there can be severe health complications which may cause more surgical procedures as well as having the lap band removed.

Lap band surgery is effective procedure to help one lose weight. When having lap band surgery, it is important to maintain the outlined diet directions and other instructions in order to ensure healthy and long term weight loss.

About the Author: Offers total care in medically advanced

lap band

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